Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Cristina De Leon
April 15, 2008
Block E 4th period
Writing assignment #8
American Author Thesis proposal

As I finished reading the books by Dave Pelzer I came up with a couple of possible topics for the essay. For example, peer pressure, wanting to fit in to a group, maturing, or the American Dream according to Dave. There was one that really caught my attention and that is survival. I would write about the different ways that people survive in different environments. Just like Dave had to do. He had to somehow cope with everything and everyone around him in order to make it through each day. I would also describe how he writes about the things he did to survive, the things his mother and friends did and said to him, and about the people that helped him.
In order to be able to write this paper I would have to learn about different situations people live in and how they survive. For example how do bums make there living where could they live? How do people treat them? Along with describing what the books were about I will also get a chance to describe his style of writing.
Since I read the books on Dave’s life it gave me a good understanding on his writing. All the writing he did was to try to let people know that horrifying things are happening to children every where. Things might seem all nice and perfect but people or just things could change. He also wrote these books to let people know to not be scared, if you’re in any situation where you are being abused you should speak up there are people who actually care and will help. Another reason is that even though something bad happened that doesn’t mean you have to give up on life, you could still do what you want to do in life.
This is what I am hoping on doing for my American Author paper.