Thursday, March 20, 2008

Blog # 5

I just satrted reading my second book( March 20,20080 i have not been able to read much but from what i read he starts the book off by talking about the horrible things that his mother did to him while living in her house. What were some of the things he did to susrvive.
As i was writing this i thought of a possible topic for my essay.
SURVIVAL: meaning i could write about differnt ways that people survive in different enviornments. Just like Dave had to do. He had to some how cope with everything that was happening around him in order to make it through.

Blog # 4

I finished reading "The Lost boy." i read from 35-298. It took me a lot of hours but since i was really into the book, it didnt seem that long to me. The rest of the book was about dave and his adventures threw the fostor care system, trying to be accepted by his peers, stealing, facing his mother and fathers, being in jail and most of all searching for the love of a family. So far i came up with a couple possible topics for my essay. this topics are: peer pressure, wanting to fit in to a group, maturing, or the American Dream according to dave. One type of symbalism that dave uses in both the Child called it and in The Lost boy is that he could fly. This is important because he would also star out the window in his mothers basement and prentend he could fly away from his problems. He was really interested in flying so once he was 18 he joined the army.

Blog # 3

My first actual American Author book is "The Lost boy" I read from pages 3 to 32. What i read so far is about Dave telling us about theday that his mother told him to leave the house if she was really treating him that bad. Dave decided to walk out, when he was walking out he could believe he had done that. After a couole of hours he started to get cold and hungry., but he was really stubborn and told himself that he would not return back home no matter what. Then his hunger brought him back to earth. He walked by a pizza place and it smelled so good in there that he decided to go in. Once he was in there he seen a quarter at a pool table where two men were playing. He went over and he tried to steal it, once he was about to walk out the owner stopped him and told him to return the quarter. Well to make a long story short, dave returned the quarter and then he called the police that he was a run away child. What i noticed so far is that he is still writting the same way as the first book.

Blog #2

For my American Author i did Dave Pelzer. I Started off by rereading the Child called it. I read the whole book in 2 days. The book is about dave as a little boy and how his perfect family started to fall apart. His once beautiful, caring, intellegent mother became, scary, alcoholic, and an abusive mother. HIs father who was once his hero, became a person that he bearly realized. His mother would beat him, and play wierd games with him. some examples of games are: washing the dishes,cleaning the house, etc, but the bad part was that there was a time limit. If he did not finish within the time limit she would starve him for days or up to a week, make him drink amonia, along with other horrible things. I have not really started to think about ideas for my paper.
I really like the way Dave writes his book. He writes from his perspective, he tells us exactly how he felt at that time. He puts alot of details into his writting. He makes you feel like your right next to him. My favorite passage from the Child Called it is when his mother makes him drink amonia infront of his father, because he has been a "Bad Boy". Once Dave drinks the amonia he falls to the floor and tears come out from his eyes as he lies on he floor bearly being able to breath.